Mitchells and Butlers案例研究 案例分析
Mitchells and Butlers own brands from All Bar One and O'Neills to Premium Country Pubs to Miller & Carter to Harvester and Toby. The challenge was set to understand the customer profile and catchment of the brands in order to develop an optimum blueprint. If it was recommended a Toby location changes to Miller & Carter, then could the area support a new Toby location? Would there be cannibalisation of the existing estate from the proposed change? The options are endless. A proven, scientific approach to deploying the right brands in the right locations was required.
- 建立综合的网络布局,以确保Mitchells and Butlers年度投资计划的价值回报
- 厘清15个细分品牌的复杂布局及其相互之间的影响
- 能够运行多种方案并整合潜在的新品牌。
- 采用创新数据集,以获得更多洞察力。
Mitchells and Butlers收购与物业策略总监, Nick Young